Friday, May 16, 2014

Enlightenment & French Revolution

Exam Tips

Module 1

Two topics merged—Enlightenment and French Revolution

1.   Get a thorough definition of Enlightenment
Ensure the definition includes the broad impact of Enlightenment (psychologically, socially, religiously, politically, and economically)

2.   For every trigger factor you mention link it to Enlightenment. For example, at the beginning of the paragraph (in the development) you can state:

Example #1:
“Enlightenment was entrenched in the belief that all men are created equally and the need for all to share the tax burden, rather than just the downtrodden, fueled the 1789 revolution….”  

How do I finish this paragraph as I would any other? Give examples. Explain how the tier system or the three Estates were unequal. Talk about the stagnant economy, price of bread rising, population booming, unemployment high and wages just won’t rise.

Example #2:
“Enlightenment also sought to throw the status quo on its head by diminishing the importance of, as well as ridiculing Christianity and the Catholic Church. As a matter of fact, during this “eye-opening” era, scholars sought to justify that Christianity was to be blamed for the country’s plight. The renowned deist Voltaire, who was also a French Enlightenment writer, historian and philosopher, attacked the established Catholic Church and advocated freedom of religion, expression, as well as a separation of church and state. In his writing he lamented that the nation should “Ecrasez l'infame”—crush the infamous thing; the infamy being superstition and religious credulity…”

How do I finish this paragraph as I would any other? Give examples. Make references to at least 2 types of religious groups that emerged and how they sought to undermine the Catholic version of Christianity and how this movement made the atmosphere ripe for a rebellion.

More tips to come...

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