Monday, September 5, 2011

Age of Exploration's Impetus

Blog Assignment #1: Due Friday, 21st September, 2012
Utilizing at least 3 examples and a solid quote, explain how technological advancement propelled the Age of Exploration. (9 marks)

Blog Assignment #2: Due Tuesday, 25th September, 2012
a) Briefly discuss why the Age of Exploration was all about Gold, Glory and God? (6 marks)
b) Suggest 3 questions that CAPE might ask about this topic. (6 marks)

Essay on Impetus for Age of Exploration: Due Wednesday, 3rd October, 2012
c) Write an essay on the “Driving forces behind the Age of Exploration.” (30 marks)
This essay should be handed in to the lecturer on or before the due date.


  1. The Age of Exploration is one of the most powerfull enlightnement movement of all time. This helps to shad a clearer view of the world and of man.

  2. With the use of new technologies developing they were able to create better improved ships for their explorations. These ships helped in making their journey less stressful and easier to guide.The quadrant was another technological advancement this helped them by letting them know the lattitude of where on earth they were located and how far north or south they were.Also compasses and maps were introduced and this too helped in assisting them on making they're journey easier and even quicker.

    1. Gooodd Abina! But can you find a quote to solidify your point?

  3. Blog Assignment #1:
    Advancements in technology valiant jouney's and important people of the age of exploration created an impressive step toward the modern era. Over the years, the compass was a crucial part of any type of journey which focused at the location one was going. Then the castrolobe was used to determine the latitude to prepare for their voyage. Also the quadrat was used to tell what latitude you are on the earth to figure out how far south or north you are. As a result of these three instruments, it gave birth to technology advancement to aid mankind the ability to have good direction with this in mind, Eric Williams argues that "technology was therefore the motive and reason for European to experience exploration and expansion." Therefore, these new features allowed people to profit by improving techniques.

    1. OK Shacia! I like the fact that you are quoting. As a new student of history, please make it a habit and continue to quote more.

  4. Freeman Dyson stated that
    "Technology is a gift of God. After the gift of life, it is perhaps the greatest of God's gifts. It is the mother of civilizations, of art and sciences."

    The Age of Exploration was truly propelled by the technologically advances of scholars as they began to experiment and discover innovative advances in technology.
    During the era of rebirth, known as the Renaissance, cartographers rediscovered classical Greek and Roman scholarships that redesigned the art of map drawing. The map work became more accurate, making it easier for explorers to navigate to their desired destination. Despite the technological advances of today, where one can view coastlines from bird’s eye view, they still achieved precise maps that were highly detailed. This development in cartography pushed navigators and explorers to search for the New World.
    In addition to advancements in map drawing, developments in celestial navigation using quadrants and astrolabes. Prince Henry the Navigator, aided in this development in 1416. According to Colin Hynson in ‘Columbus and the Renaissance Explorers’, Celestial navigation involved determining latitude by the reading of the stars. Such astrology aided in accurate locations of explorers once they were on their voyages. However, some sailors preferred to determine their location with the help of compasses and the measurements of the ships speed. Both of these techniques were only effective in measuring latitude, however, early navigators did have the technology to determine longitude.
    Moreover, there were also technological advances in shipbuilding that aided in speed. The sails of the ships were redesigned, stronger hulls and sleeker lines. New sails made the most efficient use of available winds and even allowed seaman to sail into the wind. According to Richard Humble in ‘The Voyages of Columbus,’ stronger hulls better withstood the tremendous impact of rough Atlantic seas. Sleeker design lines allowed ships to sail faster, slicing through water far more efficiently than older barge-like ship designs.
    The technological advances of the Age of Exploration was truly the impetus for European explorers who wanted to expand their knowledge of the world as they utilized their new discoveries of cartography, celestial navigation and compasses, with the aid of their redesigned ships.

    1. Exceptional response Desley! Keep up the good work. You are right on target. And by the way I love the quote and pic!

  5. Blog1
    The influence technological advancement of the Age of Exploration

    During the Age of Eploration, there was a technological break through which creates a whole new advancement of innovitive and creative technologies.According to Eric Williams in From Columbus to Castro, “technology was a motive or reason for the Europeans to exploration and expansion". This period shad light to new technological invention as well as great improvement to techniques.
    The invention of printing creates new possiblities to rapid expansion in the art of knowledge, which was limited to only the privileges or capitalis who could afford to be educated. However during the period of the Renaissance, there was a dramastic explosion in printing matericals, and in education which then made education available to all.
    Improve Naigational Science was another advancement in technology during the Age of Exploaration. Improvement in Niagational Science such as chart and campass, enable European venture futher oversea, as well as, challenge the concept and belief of that was then the world. Ship-building and skill handling of ships also was another example of great improvement made in technological advancement. The coming of the three-masted ship in early 15th century which was used in Christopher Columbus voyage in search of the New World made the dicovery of the the New World possable.
    Chief instruments are voyage also had major technological improvement which help in the naigation and discovery of the New World. Magnetic compass, which was used for steering of the ship's, this instrument was invented during the twelfth century, but it was during the Renaissance period were this instrunment has great technological advancement which made it more reliable and vital during the naigation.The quadrant was also another chief naigational instrument, this equipment was used to tell the latitude at which ships was sailing at. AStrolable was an advanced version of the quadant.Hence

    1. Thank you Tony-ann! Now you have reached the fleshy part. Continue quoting and keep up the good work!

  6. As postulated by Colin Hynson in Columbus and the Renaissance Explorers “The Age of Exploration was rooted in new technologies and ideas growing out of the Renaissance.” Mankind’s ability to venture into the unknown was attributed by a few technological advancements. These included cartography, navigation and improvements in shipbuilding.
    According to Britannica Online Encyclopedia, cartography is the art and science of graphically representing a geographical area, usually on a flat surface such as a map or chart. During the Renaissance cartographers rediscovered classical Greek and Roman scholarship, for example the work of Claudius Ptolemy who earlier mapped the ancient world, suggesting it was round. These advancements in cartography coincided with the burst of printing that occurred during the Renaissance. With the advancement of map making and its frequency (through printing) explorers were further pushed to venture out into the unknown and challenge previous claims and theories made about the geography of the world. Discoveries made by explorers also contributed to map making, it gave them additional information to work with and consequently made navigation easier for future explorers.
    Reminiscent of cartography, enhancement in navigational science propelled the age of exploration. The improvement of the magnetic compass, quadrant and astrolabe made explorers more confident to undertake long and new journeys. The compass was upgraded so that it did not stick or fall off during rough seas; this was done by placing the magnetized needle pivot in the compass bowl. The quadrant and its advanced version the astrolabe were used to display latitude.
    Additionally, improvements in the architecture of ships made long voyages possible. These improvements included enhanced sail designs, stronger hulls, and sleeker lines. By the 1400s, Portuguese and Spanish shipbuilders were making caravels. These ships were small, fast, and easy to maneuver and their shallow bottoms made it easier for explorers to travel along coastlines where the water was not deep. These enhancements allowed ships to perform more efficiently; they further enabled explorers to undergo long journeys that were once considered treacherous.
    In conclusion, a comprehensive look at the technological advancements of cartography, navigations and improved ship-building during the Renaissance only encourages one to assume that these were the forces that propelled the age of exploration. It is no wonder why Eric Williams argues that ‘technology was a motive for European exploration.’

    1. Laudable response Siena! Truly in-depth! Looking forward to responses like these on the exam.

  7. If one were to examine the age of exploration it may be ascertained that it revolved around ‘Gold, Glory and God’. This may be because of Europe’s quest to gain power and capital, to spread Christianity and new discoveries concluded immense glory.
    During the 15th century it was discovered that over a short span of 4 years, French Popes had exhausted more than 2 million in gold. Additionally, Europe had a strong want for gold and silver because they used these materials to make coins. The word gold also encompassed riches gained by newly discovered spiced. In Spain, Portugal, Italy, France and other countries more gold meant the expansion of an empire and acquired power. The age of exploration was thus an opportunity to explore new land in search of gold.
    The age of exploration was rooted around glory too due to each country’s want to be the first to discover the ‘new land’ or ‘new world’. Each empire desired the praise and attractive findings that would accompany new discovery. For example Christopher Columbus was entitled to a noteworthy title were he successful on his voyage. He was motivated by all the glory he would gain through discovering new land.
    The Renaissance was a stimulus to many activities during the 15th – 17th century. It was during this period that the Catholic Church experienced a decline in its former influential and all-empowering status. The Church therefore made it their duty to spread Christianity onto the ‘new world’ that was discovered. This expansion of Christianity also meant an expansion.
    Europe’s want for additional capital through gold, the expansion of its empire through glory and the expansion of its religion through the spreading of Christianity made the Age of Exploration centered around ‘Gold,Glory and God’.

    1. Good again! And remember the 3 G's. They form the basis of this theme. Find a quote by a historian that sums up the Age of Exploration.

  8. 1.) Using 3 main points, explore the various stimuli of the age of exploration.
    2.) Why was the age of exploration considered the conquest of 'Gold, Glory and God"
    3.) Discuss the consequences of the age of exploration on the 'new world'.

    1. Thank you! Make sure you can answer then because they just might come back for the exam.

  9. Assignment 2a)
    The age of exploration was all about gold because this was seen as a vital sign of wealth. They also needed the gold to replenish their banking system. Glory Derived from the renaissance period and those who were the vast contributors such as the painters and writers all wanted individual glory, even the kings for their kingdoms. During this period individuals were starting to breakaway from the catholic church and forming their own groups such as Lutherans. This period was also known as the reformation period,The spreading of Christianity became more dynamic.

    b) Why was it the church and the reformation a great part of the age of the exploration?

    Why did the Three G's were of such importance to the age of exploration?

    What was the motivation for the exploration?

    1. Thank you as well! Ensure you can answer these questions for the exam.

  10. The Age of Exploration was motivated by the three G’s – Gold, Glory and God. These three impulses were the backbone behind this era and signalled settlement in the New World.
    Gold was the pulse of European economy. Although gold itself formed a source of income, “gold” was meant as revenue and capital. The acquisition of gold was important because they used it to make coins or money but the economic prowess was essential to power which each European country wanted. The virtual monopoly that was held by Italy, that forced other European nations to exclusive acquire their goods at high prices, propelled them to seek new avenues to filch it from the hands of the Italians. The search for new trade routes commenced.
    Glory was another driving force for the Age of Exploration. As nationalism began to grow in the heart of monarchies who wanted to solidify their place on the throne. The discovery of new lands will strengthen their economy and avoid foreign domination. Conquistadors such as Christopher Columbus were promised wealth and a prestigious title, such glory was more than enough motivation for a simple man.
    The final G- God gave way to the Age of Exploration. The influence of The Church, that being Catholicism, was beginning to dwindle during this epoch. The Estates General of France in 1484 complained that in four years two Popes had drained France of more than two million in gold. This incident caused the citizens to lose faith, trust and interest in The Church, which pushed them to seek new forms of religious refuge. This was influenced also by the era o f “rebirth” known as the Renaissance that humanised the European people, and forced the Catholic Church to seek a “new World” to share their Christian faith and diminish secularization.
    The Age of Exploration was indicated by the influence of the three G’s- Gold, Glory and God. The implications that surrounded the manipulation of these forces opened the eyes of Europeans to seek new avenues of development.

    Three questions that may be asked by CAPE:
    I. Explain why the Three G’s – Gold, Glory and God were the main factors that motivated European Settlement in the Americas.
    II. Discuss how each of the Three G’s – Gold, Glory and God contributed to the economic growth of European economy during the 17th century.
    III. Explain which of the Three G’s- Gold, Glory and God were most important to the European settlers and why.

    1. I just might use one of these for the exam. So ensure that you can respond confidently.

  11. The Age of Exploration was percipitated by the motive of gold, glory and god. In 1448 a complaint was made by the Estates General of Freance, that in 4 years two of French popes had been drained more than 2 million in gold. As a result of this, gold, glory and god played a important roll in the resurgance of the Age of EXploration.
    During the middle age, italy controlled the monopoly over all trades in Europe, and were the only one who was eligible to purchase oriental produce,which force the rest of Europe to obtain these products at exorbtiant price. The rest of Europe, on the other hand wanted gold and sliver which they used to make coins or money. However, When there was word of the new world, as well as, rumors of gold in large amount which could be obtain from the America's, other Eruopean countries such as France and Portugal, Spain and England want to obtain this wealth as a means of strenghtening their power and wealth of their countries. Its was also believe that the more wealth which would be obtain by these countries, the stronger they would become. Additionally, sailors who would venture to these explosion would obtain personal riches.This also hlep to strenghten the concpet of individualism in society.
    It was also believe that glory could be obtain as a result of venturing and discovery of new land from the the new word. Example of this was Christopher Columbus agreement which he signed with spain,agreeing that whatever wealth which was obtain from the new world,as well as, new land was to be delcared to Spain, as a results of this he would obtain glory, as well as, a percentage of the wealth obtain. This was proof that glory played and vital roll in the Age of EXploration.
    Spreading of christianity (god) also played an very important motive in the Age of Exploration. During the medieval period there was a growth in secularization, as well as, a great decline in the Catholic influence in society. As a result of this there was a great urge to spread christianity in the new world as a means of rebuilding the church influence in society, as well as, there power.
    The Age of Exploration was a means of opeaning doors to new ventures to the new era which the world was now adventuring in to, thus the concept of gold, glory and god help to shape this new era of enlightenment.

    1. Discuss in detail, how did the three G's impacted the Age of Exploration

    2.Briefly explain why it is believed that Columbus voyage was base on the three G's

    3.Outline the different ways in which the three G's impacted Eruope

    1. As I told the others, ensure you too can respond to the questions above confidently. I may select one of them for the exam.

  12. Blog Assignment#2

    The Age of Exploration also classified as the Age of Discovery officially began in the early 15th century and lasted until the 17th century. During this era the Europeans began to explore the world by sea in search of trading partners, new goods and new trade routes. Many nations were looking to discover silver and gold.
    'God, Glory and Gold' essentially describe the motivation of various European explorers. Many of the early European explorers came to convert the indigenous population to know 'God', Also once the situation in Europe began to change, many of the sects that were not welcomed in Europe moved the North America to escape persecution.
    These explorers were not just interested in gold alone but gold as in literal sense in money. There were vast, largely untapped natural resources in North america that the explorers (quite righly) believed could be shipped back home for massive profit. We have only to look at what would become the free-trade to realize the true profitability of North America.
    Glory is tied to gold in many ways, this was both personal glory and glory for ones own country. Then was alot of prestige associated with founding a new settlemet or discovering a new natural resource and so many of the explorers sought to 'out-glory' one another and become the most well-known.

    Cape Questions
    1) How did the "Gold, God and Glory" affect the Age of Exploration?
    2) Can "God, Glory and Gold" best describe the motivational factors for the European explorers to visit the new world?
    3) How did the early explorers able to convince the people about "God, Glory and Gold"?

    1. I love the questions Shacia! Ensure that you have a solid quote for each of those factors and keep up the good work!

  13. Technology played a vital role during the age of exploriation and navigational. Eric Walliam poist, that technology during the age of exploriation was the motive reason of navigation but John Thornot opposed on this view and claimed that technology was the break through in sailing methods leading up the discoveries of new land and trading routes.I personally agreed with Thornot on his view because with out the use of technolohy it woul have been impossibel for these sailors to embark on these journey and to determine where they are going. With out technology manking would have been stutled and working would have been inconvient and time would have been expensive. In fact, there were three main navigational instruments being used during this period of exploriation such as: the compass which enables the Europeans to venturefurther overseas to challenge accepted concept and life; the quadrant can tell what latitude you are on the earth to figure out the how far south or noth you are and finally the astrobell was an advance version of the quadrant.

  14. The age of exploriation was a point in history that started in the early 15th centuary and continued in the 17th centuary the age of exploriation canl also be seen as the turning point between the middle passage along with modern era.The three Gs was the determinant factors that was used by the Europens to conquor wealth and to build up their economy these three Gs are gold, glory, and god.
    Glory was was the first idea in Europe that came out from the renaissance ideal for himaism and the focus on individual because durin this era ther were may young sailors who were eaiger to travel and become wealthy and make their family wealthy as well, so the idea of gainig fame for one's action was more possible and competions.This tipcal journey to the indese ment a lot to the young sailor some of them was ex solders also.
    Gold was said to be the main economic factor for Spain durig the age of exploriation because the more wealth you can obtain the more power an individual was able to gain.This led them to thin that the idea of only so much wealth in the world and that could make your kindom stone.During this period Spain was in great thirst for wealth. In 1484 France complaine that in four years two pope had drained the of more than two million in gold; what thes Europeans wanted was these gold to make money. Italy was the only country that was acquiring all of the wealth and with his monolopy but these other country taugh that it was unfair and demanded a portion of the wealth and the only way to do this was to break the monopoly.
    Finally God as a means to over power the inferior people by means of christainsed them. Christopher columbus claimed that he only wanted to spread christinity to the headens and non believers.This was used as a means to supress and exploit the people to work for them in order to gain wealth.This was also seen as a race sterio type used by the Europeand. The believed that the whites were the berior of the light and the blacks were the barior of darkness. They taught that these people was backwards. Colonisation had become a race to convert native people into a particular brand of christinity.
    In all, the age of exploriation was a race for wealth and power during the 15th and 17th centuary. In order to obtained these Gs the Europeans had a master idea the Gs.Due to the facth that many of the other countries had been facing som great economic difficultie the three Gs was used to over come the difficulties as a nation building.

    Cape qiestions:
    1)what was the motive reasons for the three Gs during the age of exploriation?
    2)which one of the three Gs had an adverse effect on the the lives of the infiror being?
    3)How did the three Gs changed the western society as a whole?

  15. Welcome Vanithia! Right on target Vanithia, but just ensure that you have a solid quote for each point. It is very critical!
