Friday, September 23, 2011

European Settlement and Rivalry Questions

As we wrap up this section of the module please consider the following questions for the exam:

1) What led to European rivalry?
2) Did economics solely determine where the Spanish settled?
3) Explain four ways Spain solidified its monopoly in the New World.
4) Discuss 5 factors that accounted for Spanish-America's decline.
5) Explain the significance of the Dutch in the 16th and 17th centuries.
6) How did the Dutch contribute to the Spanish-America decline?

Monday, September 19, 2011

Spanish Decline and European Wars

1) Briefly explain at least four factors that contributed to the Spanish decline.
2) How did the European wars impact Spain's monopoly ?
3) What did the three Dutch Wars do to the Dutch supremacy?
4) "Trade rivalry and power and prestige triggered all of the European Wars we've studied so far." Discuss

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Renaissance Video

This video encapsulates the magnificence of the Renaissance period.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Age of Exploration's Impetus

Blog Assignment #1: Due Friday, 21st September, 2012
Utilizing at least 3 examples and a solid quote, explain how technological advancement propelled the Age of Exploration. (9 marks)

Blog Assignment #2: Due Tuesday, 25th September, 2012
a) Briefly discuss why the Age of Exploration was all about Gold, Glory and God? (6 marks)
b) Suggest 3 questions that CAPE might ask about this topic. (6 marks)

Essay on Impetus for Age of Exploration: Due Wednesday, 3rd October, 2012
c) Write an essay on the “Driving forces behind the Age of Exploration.” (30 marks)
This essay should be handed in to the lecturer on or before the due date.